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[Article] Cash to presents N Minimum wage Korean Prefer Cash to presents for Their Birthday they got as gifts in a display that only a few years ago would have been considered the height of vulgarity. online communities for young Koreans are filled with inquiries about where to buy the confections. which is the busiest month due to various commemorative days. some critics think the end of the world is nigh. but in time of recession like.. 2018. 7. 23.
[Article] Foreign cartoonists N Dealing with depression http://english.donga.com/Home/3/all/26/1374921/1 Foreign cartoonists flock to Korea’s webtoon industry south korea's webtoon industry is becoming borderless Lezhin Comics is also heatedly developing cartoon content customized for Korea by hiring cartoonists from overseas. "We are inviting various nationalities to Korea's webtoon industry, which used to be dominated by Japanese and Chinese cartoo.. 2018. 7. 22.
[오늘의표현] 진미영 180622 6/28 인기 유행 사랑 팬심 권태기that sort of they lost their spark we lost our spark 6/27좋은 말로 할께. I'm gonna tell you nicely. I'm gonna ask you nicely. I'm gonna ask you once. 6/26 그런다고 죽지 않을꺼야. you're not gonna die or something. it's not gonna kill you. 6/25 그 카드는 일회용 이에요. you can only use this card once. this card can be used only one time. 6/22조금 더 익혀 줄 수 있을까요? Can you cook it a bit more please? steak 2018. 6. 30.
[오늘의표현] 진미영 180615 6/21내가 땀이 좀 많아 I sweat a lot I sweat good deal I don't sweat a lot 6/20헛다리 짚지마 I know it's nothing like that don't overthinking don't think too much about it don't exaggerate. 6/19몇개 시켜서 나눠먹자 let's share let's order a few things and share 6/15 갠 도움이 안 돼 he's no help 2018. 6. 30.
[스토리] We bare Bares S1E05 하나더 먹어도되요?could i have one of those? 너가 먹지 않으면 내가 혼자 다 처리해야되 I'm gonna start taking this personally if you don't try it. 어떻게 견과류 맛을 낸거지 what's that nutty flavor? 견과류 가판대에서 제공해 주고 있어요. courtesy of the nut shack.courtesy : 무료의, 공손한 사람이 쓰러졌다. man down! 다른 음식으로 증상을 없앨 수 있어. we've got to cancel it out with other food. 이 과일도 맛있는데 those nectarines look goodnectarines : 승도복숭아 그래서 주사기를 가지고 다녀요. 만일을 위해서 s.. 2018. 6. 30.
[오늘의표현] 진미영 180608 김영철의 파워FM - 진짜 미국식 영어 \ http://wizard2.sbs.co.kr/w3/template/tpl_iframetype.jsp?vVodId=V2000009984&vProgId=1001032&vMenuId=10216036/14나 1년 휴학 할 거야 I'm going to take a year off I'm going to take a semester off 6/13 잠깐 짐좀 봐주실래요? can you watch my stuff for me? Could you keep your eyes on my things? 6/12 나도 좀 쉬자... I need to space to breathe Give me some space to breathe 6/11 내가 동네 북이야? am I your pu.. 2018. 6. 19.