반응형 eurozone1 [CNN] Reform Hits Everyday Life in Greece 매주 한개씩 CNN 뉴스 스크랩 외우기!! Start음원 및 영상은 출처에서 확인 출처 : http://cnn.ybmsisa.com/TodaysClip.asp?idx=2436 20150907 [Script]Reform Hits Everyday Life in Greece그리스, 개혁으로 인해 매일의 삶도 영향을 받아 Greece and the Eurozone, two sides vying for the political and economic spotlight. Taking center stage was a bitter row over tax hikes, pensions and black holes in bank balance sheets. But now Greece and its creditors are.. 2015. 10. 13. 이전 1 다음