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[Article] Cash to presents N Minimum wage

by 101Architect 2018. 7. 23.

Korean Prefer Cash to presents for Their Birthday

they got as gifts in a display that only a few years ago would have been considered the height of vulgarity. 

online communities for young Koreans are filled with inquiries about where to buy the confections. 

which is the busiest month due to various commemorative days. 

some critics think the end of the world is nigh.

but in time of recession like this, the culture has taken over everyday life.


occasions : 행사 

vulgarity : (벌젤러티) 상스러운 

confection : 정교한것, 보기좋은것, 과자

commemorative : 기념하는 

nigh : 거의, 가까이 

recession : 불경기 


Minimum wage battle threatens to cloud Moon in coming month

President Moon Jae-in's drive to increase the minimum wage is splitting his supporter base, while at the same time casting doubt on his economic policies.

Minimum Wage Commission 

Conservatives and Liberals

In the poll, economic difficulties and the minimum wage hike were the top and third most cited reasons, respectively, among those who negatively assessed Moon. 

For Moon, whose economic policy centers on higher wages and who pledged to raise the minimum wage to 10,000 won per hour by 2020, there is no easy way out. 


casting doubt : 의구심을 품다

policies : 정책

Commission : 위원회

Conservatives : 보수적

Liberals : 진보적

hike : 대폭인상

cited : 소환, 이유를 들다. 

respectively : 각각, 제각각
